5 Hidden Secrets Of A Plant-Based Diet They Don't Want You To Know!
You might imagine vegetarians to be thin and lanky with long, stringy hair... Or that they avoid meat for ethical reasons and are tree-hugging, bog-dwelling health nuts.
Or, you might even think that vegetarians eat tofu and salads for every single meal.
Suppose you've come across any of these stereotypical images of vegetarians. In that case, you might have a funny idea of what a vegetarian actually is!
But the truth is, there are many different types of vegetarians.
In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified them into many different types!
- Lacto-veggie- Allows dairy
- Ovo-Veggie - Allows eggs
- Lacto-Ovo- Veggie - Allows both dairy and eggs (go figure!)
- Pescaratarian- Allows fish
- Pollotarian- Eliminates red meat but allows poultry
- Flexitarian - makes conscious decision to cut down on animal proteins but does not entirely eliminate them
- Vegan - Strict restriction on anything derived from an animal source
Why The Veggie Hype?
The plant-based diet is everywhere right now.
From nutritionists to celebrities, everyone is talking about how switching to a plant-based diet can improve your health. But for some unknown reason, it clearly seems as though not enough people are aware of the many hidden benefits of a plant-based diet.
The plant-based diet has so many advantages.
It can help you lose weight, prevent chronic diseases, and even improve your mental health.
In this article, I will reveal some hidden secrets of a plant-based diet. Even though the diet is becoming more popular every day, many people still don't know about its many benefits.
Here's what you need to know…
The Plant-Based Diet Can Help You Lose Weight
When people decide to switch to any diet, they often do so with the goal of losing weight.
However, the truth is that not all weight-loss diets are healthy. In fact, many popular diets are actually harmful to your health.
The problem with most weight-loss diets is that they rely too much on one particular element and not enough on the others...They are often referred to as restrictive diets or imply cutting food groups out in favour of another.
The best weight loss diet, however, is the one that emphasizes eating whole, nutritious foods in moderate amounts.
The vegan diet, which emphasises the consumption of whole plant-based foods, is considered one of the healthiest diets available.
This is something we all know we know....but do we actually follow what we know??
It Can Prevent Chronic Diseases
The plant-based diet has been shown to have a wide range of health benefits, but one of the most notable is its ability to prevent chronic diseases.
Chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and several cancers are linked to adopting an unhealthy lifestyle. To be fair, the whole world has adopted some form of unhealthy living habit, so you are certainly not alone!
By following a healthy, plant-based diet, you can reduce your risk of developing these diseases.
Some of the best plant-based sources of nutrients for preventing and treating these diseases include:
- Beans & legumes: Beans and legumes are a really great protein, fibre, and minerals source. They also contain substances that may help treat or prevent heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune diseases.
- Nuts & seeds: Nuts and seeds are super high in healthy fats, which can improve your cholesterol, prevent blood clots, and lower your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
- Leafy greens: Leafy greens are nutrient-dense foods that provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also may reduce your risk of developing cancer and diabetes.
- Tomatoes: Tomatoes are another vegetable high in lycopene, which is linked to a reduced risk of many types of cancers, heart disease, and macular degeneration.
It Can Improve Your Mental Health
Your mind is back to the crazy vegetarian activist image now, right?!
Regardless of the connotations, you have here, another reason to adopt a plant-based diet is for your mental health.
A diet that is super high in fruits and vegetables is rich in vitamins, minerals, and other antioxidants, which can improve your mood and decrease your risk of depression.
Some of the best plant-based sources of antioxidants for helping anxiety and depression are:
- Vitamins B6 and B9: These vitamins are essential for a healthy brain. A deficiency in them can result in poor concentration, mental fogginess, and irritability.
- Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a nutrient that helps your body produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood and stress. A deficiency in it can lead to episodes of low mood and even contribute to depression.
- Selenium: One of the minerals found in seafood, fungi, and plants, selenium is thought to improve brain function and may decrease the risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease.
It's Environmentally Friendly
The plant-based diet is also environmentally friendly, and I know you already knew that!
A plant-based diet doesn't require grazing livestock on fields or using lots of water to produce picture-perfect and often tainted steaks and lamb chops.
This is because (and this will come as a shock to you!!) a plant-based diet uses whole plants rather than foods made from animals!
As a result, a plant-based diet will ensure you'll consume fewer calories, a higher dose of vitamins and minerals, and have the knowledge that you will be saving lots of water, protecting natural resources, and reducing the use of fossil fuels in the process.
It's Easy To Follow
Last but not least, the plant-based diet is REALLY easy to follow! Like, super easy!
It consists of mostly healthy, whole foods readily available in supermarkets, farmers' markets, or even the corner shop!
As long as you have access to somewhere that retails fruit, veg, beans, and grains, you'll be able to follow this diet.
And, if you want to make it even easier, there are several plant-based meal delivery services and farm shops that now offer vegan and vegetarian options, so you can get everything you need delivered right to your door!
Are You In?
Regardless of what kind of veggie you may like to try being, the most crucial part here is that you try to include AS MANY fruit, veg, beans, and pulses into your day as possible, eating clean is totes in fashion!
A plant-based diet is a super healthy way to eat, and it has many advantages.
It can help you lose weight, prevent chronic diseases, and improve your mental and environmental health.
It's easy to follow, doesn't require grazing livestock on fields or lots of water to produce, and is environmentally friendly.
Most people don't know about these benefits, which is just the tip of the iceberg!
After reading this article, I hope that you'll join the growing number of people who are making the switch to a plant-based diet.
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