How to finally lose weight in 2022 in just 3 easy steps

The Secrets of losing weight and keeping it off (finally!)


If you’ve ever wanted to lose weight and keep it off, then you’re reading the right article. 

That’s because you’re about to discover the easiest 3-step method for not only losing weight but keeping it off too!


And the really amazing news is that this method works even if you have never dieted before, have no knowledge of nutrition, or even if you dont know how to shop for the best foods and ingredients (this is me….i am a shopaholic but terrible at food shopping!)


If you are ready to make the changes you need to, to not only lose a bit of weight but feel so much better too, then read on!

Step 1: Do not make drastic changes all at once!


Many people who are new to dieting and eating better don’t even realise that they need to (NOT!) do this step before obtaining and maintaining weight loss results. And that’s why a lot of people who try to lose weight end up failing – they’re simply missing this crucial step.


So, the very first thing you absolutely must do is commit to yourself that you are going to be better with your eating.

You will fall off the wagon, and the wheels will come right off if you go from junk food to clean eating overnight.

Your body will get confused, and you will start to crave everything you have taught your body to be reliant on, which is understandable because that’s all you have offered it!

Once you commit not to fail yourself (maybe for the first time, maybe again!), you will almost subconsciously choose the right foods for the majority of the time. 

Those other times when only a burger will do, you will learn to step away from convenience and find alternative ways to get your burger but in a healthy way (yes, it is entirely possible!)


You’ll find that this commitment process goes much more smoothly if you apply these tips and tricks:


  • Vow not to fail yourself (nobody else)
  • Practice affirmations every day 
  • Improve your diet mindset from convenience to freshly made
  • Practice mindful eating
  • Remove all temptation!

Once you’ve figured out making the commitment to yourself to be better, then you can move on to the next step…


Step 2: Make better food choices!


The next thing you absolutely need to do is take 5 seconds to actually think about your food choices before you make them!


When I first started thinking about the food choices I was making rather than just choosing food for comfort or convenience, I made many mistakes!

Life happens! I was either in a hurry or desperately hungry (which, in actual fact, was thirst!), or I needed something to eat to reflect my mood (commonly called comfort eating) 

And now that I’ve helped others to mindfully think about the food choices they make, I noticed that a lot of people have a tendency to make the same mistakes as I did. 

So let me share with you the crucial top 3 mistakes you may be making when choosing your food and how to avoid them:


• The Deli Counter Mistake

You load up your sandwich or salad bowl with all of the “good” stuff and top it off with the things you think you should include, like pickles and salad.

The Deli Counter Hack

To make better choices, you should actually choose all of the salad and pickles from the counter first, then top it off with your favourite deli meat or cheese.


• The On-The-Go Mistake

So you are on the run with multiple appointments, school runs, and even the shopping to do, and you need something fast and filling… you head to a drive-thru….

On The Go Hack!


There is no good that can ever come of food that can be handed to you through a window!! 

Coffee, we will make an exception for, but not food!

The hack is simple: keep healthy snacks with you so you can eat them at moments where the car may have other ideas!

A handful of cashews, a hard-boiled egg, and spinach, vegetables, and tzatziki in a small carry-along tub are some great things to keep with you!


• The Comfort Food Mistake

You’re feeling blue, teary, or you simply need a pick-me-up, and you see a cake counter….

The Comfort Food Hack!

Comfort food is exactly as it sounds….comforting! However, this is subjective depending on who you ask about comfort food.

If you ask someone who has grown up around home baking and was given a cake or a sausage roll in their happiest times of life, they might say that food is their comfort food is their happy place and will default to it.

Suppose you ask someone who has grown up with allotment food, freshly homegrown and nutritious. In that case, you may find that their comfort food is a nice chunky vegetable soup (now you all want an allotment, right?)

So the term “comfort food” is totally in relation to what you believe comforts you or food that you link to a happy place in life, so it is different for everyone.

The hack? 

There is a certain time and a place for comfort food, and the only hack is to make sure you only have a small amount if it’s fatty, carby, or sugary, savour every mouthful. 

If it’s healthy, only eat until you are satisfied.

Dont over-indulge the indulgent!

Step 3: Make a shopping list and stick to it!

At this step, you’re likely to notice how much you buy from the supermarkets that you dont actually need! 

You may want it, but you certainly dont need it for survival!

So, you need to make a shopping list (yes, just like your mum and nan used to do!) and stick to it when you are at the supermarket.

This avoids falling victim to those strategically placed offers of “buy 7 chocolate bars and get 33 free” or whatever they are trying to get you to impulse buy. Very simply, if it’s not on the list, you cant check it out!

I still vividly remember the very first time I was doing this, making lists and trying to stick to only buying the things I knew I wanted to consume. 

As I mentioned earlier, I am a terrible food shopper, and I DETEST food shopping in supermarkets! 

I remember once I made a list to go shopping, and I was in a particularly foul mood. I wanted comfort food…..needless to say, your mood affects your food choices, and I came away with 3 bags of NOTHING that was on that list that day! (Let me loose in a farm shop, and the story is very different!)

Here are 5 tips to keep your shopping on track:


Tip 1- Meal plans

Meal plans are such a great way to make specific shopping lists! 

Make sure your plans are done in advance, and only shop for the needed things for your meal plans.

Tip 2- Dont go shopping without that list!

Dont rely on your memory for shopping without this list!

The best thing to do is take a picture of it on your phone, so you still have the list if you forget the actual physical list!

Tip 3- Dont go shopping in a mood!

If you are emotional, moody, hormonal, or upset, you will likely have diversionary items that “jump” into your basket!

Your mood will affect your food choices, so it’s best to avoid it in this case!

Tip 4- Get your blinkers on!

Did you know that supermarkets are laid out to influence shoppers’ journey around the shop?

Shopping is psychological in leading supermarkets, and it will make you get things you dont actually need or want! Get your blinkers on and stay focussed on your list!

If this affects you, opt for a smaller store, farm shop, or head to your local growers market, where they only show you the good stuff!

Tip 5- If in doubt, Internet!

There has been so much focus on internet shopping over the lockdown, and this is actually something you can carry through to make sure you only buy the things on your list!

You can search individually for each item and make your choices from what’s available and have them delivered to your door! How easy is that!?

Beware of multiple offers that are flashed up along the way; the same rules apply…if it isn’t on your list or meal plan, you dont need it!

No happy clicking here!


And there you have it – a simple 3 -step method for losing weight and keeping it off in 2022. 

Now that you know how to make better choices, there’s just one thing left for you to do: take action!

Nobody can do this for you, and nobody is coming to save you; it’s a choice you make between you, your mindset, and your overall health.


So get putting everything into practice, and soon you too will be a healthier and happier you in 2022!

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