Are You Making These Keto Mistakes?
Top 5 Keto Mistakes and How to Completely Avoid Them
I vividly remember what it was like when I was first starting keto.
Everyone else made it look so easy!
It seemed like many people on the forums and even some of my friends had lost stacks of weight without any problems.
But not me.
I was always getting tripped up by old habits.
And once I started to pay attention to what others were doing, I soon learned that they, too, were making the same keto mistakes.
Now, if you're a keto beginner, I can almost guarantee that you're already making these whoopsie mistakes – or if not, then you're probably going to be making them really soon!
Once you start making these simple mistakes, you're going to find out that keto is time-consuming, damn expensive, and even really painful.
Unless, of course, you learn how to dodge and avoid these simple mistakes!
So forget about learning through trial and error and forget about learning this keto stuff through the school of hard fails.
Instead, you can learn quickly from my mistakes and save yourself a lot of time, grief, and money.
Read on…
Mistake #1: Overeating!
Almost everyone I know who tries to get slim fast on keto ends up making this mistake.
That's because it's a bit counter-intuitive.
If you look at this logically, you may feel like you should be eating all the time. It turns out that's wrong – you should be eating with regularity instead.
Mistake #2: Too much meat!
I made this mistake way more than once when I was starting keto.
So let me rescue you from doing the very same thing.
Instead of eating too much protein, try eating plenty of low-carb veg instead.
You'll see much better results.
Mistake #3: Not enough hydration!
Most people don't even realise they're making this mistake until they get constipated on keto, and quickly!
You can avoid this by drinking clear fluids regularly (a glass an hour).
Mistake #4: Lack of nutrient intake!
If you ever feel woozy when trying to lose weight on keto, you were probably not taking in enough vitamins and minerals. Next time, try lots of veg and a multivitamin and see if you don't get better results!
Mistake #5: Exercise!
I've saved the best for last.
That's because this is the one thing people think they dont have to do on keto as it's so effective. However, you can completely avoid getting poor results simply by moving your body.
It's actually way easier than you think!
In summary…
Pat yourself on the back for paying close attention to this info!
Now that you know the top 5 keto mistakes and how to avoid them, you'll be light years ahead of all the other people who're trying to lose weight with keto.
So take this newfound knowledge and confidence and start losing those pounds today!
For the best keto eating guide, "Keto For Lazy BXtches" Ebook is out now for purchase via Etsy
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