Are You heading For Burnout?

Do you feel like you have nothing left to give?

Like, people are still wanting everything with cherries on top and you just don't have the capacity to give.....or even care?

This could be burnout......and this could cost you everything if you don't catch the signs and halt the frazzled-train.

Burnout is common....really common. 
Some people can brush it off like it's part of the job (whatever job you do!) But some people feel suffocated when burnout kicks in.

This is not a phenomenon, and it does not discriminate, so mum's, executives and dinner-ladies alike.....this could be what's happening!

The signs of burnout can be taken from one extreme to the other, so it's important to figure out which signs are totally out of character for you on a normal day, and pay BIG attention to those elements. 

If you are displaying any of these warning signs, you need to keep reading to the bottom

⭐ You have a negative/critical attitude

⭐ You Dread going into work

⭐ Low/No energy or interest

⭐ Sleep Disturbance

⭐ Having feelings of emptiness

⭐ You frequently have aches & Illness

⭐ Extreme Irritability

⭐ No sense of purpose

⭐ You Feel Invisible 

⭐ You are emotionally void

⭐ You blame-shift your mistakes

The list is actually endless!

And while you may think this is you on a normal day anyway (I am personally quite highly strung, so I know what you're saying!) You must understand that any one of these, or a combination of them can  be a big-old warning beacon to signify burnout.

So how do you stop yourself going into a full blown episode that takes a full-scale meltdown and weeks of recovery and rediscovery to come back from?

Here are some really easy ways to figure it out along the way:

👉 Exercise 

No, we don't mean Olympic standard, hours on end in the gym.....we mean mindful and intentional Exercise that gets your heart rate up, releases endorphins and allows your brain to rest.

Power yoga, a brisk walk or swimming are superb.

👉 Get Rid Of Your Crutches

Not the walking aids...the things you think you need to operate as a human, but actually arnt essential and may exacerbate the burnout. 

Caffiene is a biggy, as is drugs, smoking and alcohol.
As a balance, try Nootropics which are all natural performance enhancing solutions that can help with brain function, anxiety and even sleep.

👉 Get A Digital Detox

There's such a heady focus on digital media, and while it super important to have, it's also super important to have-not occasionally. 

A digital detox will calm any mind that's racing from burnout, and ridding your digital sources for a temporary period will help get your grounding back that isn't available from a screen. 

👉 Set A Sleep Schedule 

As parents, we set a sleep schedule for kiddos to make sure they get enough quality sleep to allow them to rest and why on earth do we stop this practice when we are adults???

A sleep schedule can really help anxieties and burnout, so make sure you:
  • Go to bed at a reasonable hour
  • Remove any media for 1 hour+ before bedtime 
  • Practice sleep promoting activities such as reading or playing soft music
  • Listen to Guided Meditation to allow your brain to switch.
  • Have a bath with relaxing oils
👉 Take Some Time Out

This can be in the form of holiday, a weekend break or simply having a whole day in your pyjamas.

Whatever your break consists of, use the time to reflect on what's going on, what you don't like, what you love, what you can change and what your next steps are.

Burnout is no fun, but it is often an indication that the journey you are on may not be the right one for you, or the track your are on is slightly misaligned with who you are. 

Life is to short to feel undue stress, especially when it leads to your psyche being distorted and sometimes, crushed.
So if you see the signs, make some changes, quickly.



  1. An unique blog experience!!
    Loved the implementation of emojis as a subheadings denotion here as well as the white text on black background. Superb!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! 🙏🙏


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