7 Reasons Line Dancing Could Be the Next Fitness Craze!

7 Reasons Line Dancing Could Be the Next Fitness Craze!

You've tried Zumba, raves in the dark, and burlesque……but have you tried line dancing for full-on fitness?

It's no secret that people are looking for new ways to stay healthy. 

It can be hard to decide which is best for you with so many different exercise routines. Still, often, people dont want to be sweating all over everyone else in a room full of spandex and second-hand body odours! 

For those of you who want a fun workout with a group of people and without the intimidation factor, line dancing could be just the thing! 

From its origins, line dancing has had a few revivals in popularity over the decades, and now it seems to be having another to stay fit enjoyably and socially (now the world is coming back to some sort of normality!)

What actually is line dancing?

Line dancing is a popular form of country-western dance typically performed in groups. 

It's a fun way to get fit or socialise with friends, but it does take some coordination! 

It can be done by couples, singles, or mixed-gender lines. 

Traditionally, the barn dances are heavily influenced in line-dancing, where the people on the outside of the line face those in the center, and those in the center face those out to their left and right. 

So why linedancing for fitness?

Let's have a look!

Line Dancing Is Fun

One of the best reasons to do line dance is because it's a lot of fun! 

It's a great way to get right out of your comfort zone and meet new people in the process. 

You'll be surrounded by like-minded people who love to line dance, and you can enjoy yourself while getting in shape.

Line dancing can be enjoyed by people of all ages - from young kids to seniors. 

It's such a wonderful way to meet new friends, stay active, and have some laughs at the same time.

When you find a great line dance club or venue, you can keep your fitness in check with some great instructors, seasoned line dance veterans and support the social aspect of your fitness as a really special element!

It's a great Group Activity.

Line dancing is a fun social activity. Not to mention, it's also a great way to get in shape! 

You don't have to do it alone either!

Line Dancing Is a Lot of Fun

Line dancing is a lot of fun! It's easy to learn, and it's easy on your joints.

Dancing has been shown to greatly improve cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, and balance. 

Line dancing is great for those who may not be able to handle more intense workouts because it can be as low-impact as you want it to be. 

You can also get a great workout by adding arm movements or knee lifts into the mix.

It's a Low-Impact Workout

Line dancing is a low-impact workout perfect for people with knee and joint problems. 

It's a great way to stay active without worrying about significant impacts on your joints.

Line dancing is essentially a sequence of steps to music, and there is no essential need to be swinging your hips and busting the moves that may bust a knee in the process!

A great line dance instructor will ensure that you perform the moves correctly and not put yourself under too much strain if you have bits that hurt or are new to linedancing.

You Can Do it Alone.

Line dancing is a great social activity, and it's a great way to meet people and make friends while getting in shape.

However, you can happily line dance alone! Yes....solo linedancing is totally a thing! Not only can you enjoy some time with the music, but you can also get your body co-ordinating to some specific steps to each song!

It's Social, and Friends Make Working Out Easier

There's nothing like getting together with friends, line dance style! 

Line dancing is a great way to get your heart rate up and have fun simultaneously. 

People are more likely to stay committed if they have a social support system. There is nothing like the support offered throughout the country music lovers community.

You Can Dance to Any Music

It would be unwise not to mention the music that accompanies linedancing!

Line dancing is a great workout option because you can dance to any music; it does not have to be country! Although, this is probably the most original genre to line dance to!

Around the UK, you will find many specific line dance clubs where you can go and join in on a weekly or monthly basis to live bands and specific country acts....and it's often cheaper in the long run than a gym membership!

You could even find a way to incorporate the songs you like listening to without going out and buying new music! 

With so many different genres of music - from country to Latin to pop - you will never get bored with line dancing as your workout.

UK Linedance Club Suggestions:

North-East: Sherburn Country & Linedance Club

North-West: Fancy Feet Blackpool

East Anglia: Flying High Line Dancers


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