This Is Self-Care Too! - Debbie Edwards & Em
❓ Do we have the notion of Self-Care all muddled up?
Debbie Edwards Explains ....
"Sooo the idea of 'self care'.... Long post alert!!
Whilst home edd-ing, one thing I am quickly learning is that by encouraging my kids to be themselves I realise just how amazing their characters are and how much I am learning from them too!
(and yes their strong characters and mine do clash alot so it's not all chocolate and roses - my ideas about myself and society is being challenged alot especially by Em)
The Scenario
We are going out tomorrow and em wants to wear a dress and has not shaved under her I asked if she wanted to and she replied - "why would someone want to look under my arms" - fair point!
The Societal Challenge
She has never been bothered about being 'hair free' and I will admit it's challenging my ideas, so is self care having a bath and defuzzing???
I have come to realise that it means something very different and to me self care is actually having an hour or day in the garden, self care is taking care of one's mental health as much as one's physical, it means allowing yourself time to do something that is important to you, not to do something to fit in with societies ideals of how a woman should look!!!!
So as an experiment I have not shaved my legs for months 😊 now some of you may be grossed out by all of this but then I will ask you this - why?
Because I have not shaved my legs does not mean I have not brushed my teeth or put deodorant on, it means that actually I have things to do that are more important to me!!
All Because Of You, Em!
My daughter is challenging my thinking and I totally love it!!!
Not shaving does not mean we are less of a woman at all!
It takes alot of courage to stand up for something you believe in especially when it goes against the grain and I am super proud of my daughter for this! 😊"
"Stand Out, Be Brave & Be Proud"
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