How To Be A Pro At The Eyeliner Flick Trend
Aaaaanyone who knows me knows my trademark is the bold eyeliner's my thing!
So much so, the team I led previously to the lovely tribe I have now was called "Just Wing It" for that very reason!!
So when I find out that UR are releasing a liquid liner with the tag line of #justwingit.....imma try it!! Noooo stopping me!!
To be a pro at liquid liner can be super tricky if you are new to the inkwell and brush, but with a little practice, you can get the finest of definition or the boldest statement of flicks!
Anyhoo, because of my addiction to the inky lines, I have tried a GAZILLION liquid liners....some last, some don't, some are great and some are just not my cup of I always go in here are some top tips to become a pro at the liquid flick you see on celebs and influencers alike!
- Rest Your Elbows!!
I cannot stress this enough!!
There is nothing that is going to crush your liner confidence more than a wobbly line simply because you haven't taken the time to rest the elbow of the hand you are using! It really does make all the difference to your precision!
- Don't Try And Do The Whole Line In One Motion!!
This is simply a disaster waiting to happen!
Executing the inky definitions in small dashes and dots allows you to build the liner to your desired length and depth, and you know that it's far easier to add than it is to remove!
Small and precise motions work way better than having a tonne of cleansing balm at hand to fix your mistakes, trust me!
- Stay Close To Your Lash Line!!
Yes, I know this seems obvious, but, starting high, where you want the line to end at the top, will only leave you looking like you have blackened train tracks that are never destined to meet...ever!
Start super close to your lash line and build up and out, leaving your lashline looking lush and deeply defined.
- Start Your Flick Where You Want It To End!!
In all seriousness, if you make a dot with the eyeliner exactly where you want your flick to finish on the outer corner, you will have something to work towards.
Working from the outer corner inwards will keep the line looking neat and natural, as opposed to looking like a wayward Crayola accident!
- Work With Your Natural Eye Shape!!
It is totally true that a liquid top line will not suit everyone, harsh reality but so true. And if this is you, simply opt for a smokey look with a decent gel pencil liner.
But if you are going headfirst into the liquid liner, always work with your natural eye shape!
Do not, under any circumstances try and change what God gave you with the inkwell!
So, if your eyes downturn at the edges, lift them up with an upward flick of the liner.
If they upturn at the edges, dampen them down with a neutral line to counteract.
Work with nature ladies!
A Massive Well Done UR...You have officially made this liner freak VERY happy!
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