Can You Really Manifest Your Dream Life??

Well, I guess the crux of this very question is whether you believe in manifestation or not!

And whichever way you swing is totally ok BTW! But, there are some things you ought to know about manifestation before you label it as a hippy past-time that requires candles and oogie-boogie chants!

Manifestation has been a part of everything since way beyond the dinosaurs, if you believe in such periodic shifts! And while manifestation cannot be physically proven (it is not a physical element to hold and see) there have been centuries of study around the human mind, and it's exceptional power to provoke things into reality (here's where the physical comes in!).

Did you ever hear the words "What goes around, comes around" when you were growing up? Those words were usually uttered as a semi warning from parents telling us that the way we treat others will come back and bite us on the tush one day, right?

So when we put this in a manifestation context, and, for example, we are talking to ourselves....the mind has the incredible ability to process repetition, and when we deliver something consistently to the brain, such as affirmations or motivational words, the brain will start to understand these words and state of mind as truth when it is programmed into it's very complex blueprint.

When looking at this from the "what goes around, comes around" statement, we can actually see that the adults were trying to instil a sense of "be kind to others" and this will provoke kindness finding you in return, but, on a deeper level, it also says "Hey, you know what? If you behave like a tit to other people, you will start to live that way, and one day, a bigger tit will come knocking on your door and you will regret being a tit in the first place!"

In reality, sometimes it's necessary to understand the way you speak to and behave with other people, as the longer you programme your brain into repeating those actions or words, the more your brain will start to understand it as the way it is meant to be, which can, believe it or not, be changed an reprogrammed.....Enter Manifestation!

Say, for instance, you wanted a new job but it was your dream job (stay with me!) and you did everything you could to get an interview...You would almost naturally be thinking about messing up the interview before you have even got there, right?

BUT....if you manifested getting that job every day until the interview, I mean really plug into how you would feel when you got that job, how your life would change in that dream role, what you would wear every day in your dream job, what you would eat, how you would hold yourself knowing that you have achieved a dream job....You would be fit for the role and prepared for its challenges before you had a yes!

See, when you really believe in something with no limits, and you tell yourself everyday that you deserve the best, and you will achieve the best, the best will come to you. But beware, this also works with beware of how you talk to yourself and how you think, because that can very easily be manifested too!

So yes, you can create the life of your dreams, if you have the courage to banish any self-doubt, negativity and any external forces of badness, you can, and will, create the life of your dreams.


  1. I like this idea of manifesting positivity by telling yourself you got the job. I like the quote as well.

    1. Thank you for your kind words darling 😘 x


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